D.V.A. Circular No 2020-46
New Association Dues Rates for Fiscal Year 2021
Dear fellow Dasmarinas Village Association members,
For the last full Fiscal Year 2019, DVA’s Total Costs and Expenses reached Php 92.2 Million while annual membership dues that are collected in February totaled only Php 41.5 Million. The shortfall was funded thru other revenue sources. We entered 2020 with a strong, conservative balance sheet and so your Board of Governors was able to allocate funding for our anti-Covid19 initiatives without asking for additional assessments from our members. Looking forward to 2021 and beyond, however, we feel that the potential reduction in our revenues coupled with rising costs may hamper not only DVA’s ability to provide the high level of service that we expect and deserve but also affect the execution of our long-term development plan.
In a meeting held on December 3, 2020, the BOG approved an increase in our annual membership dues from Php 28.00 per sqm to Php 35.00 per sqm. We believe this is a reasonable amount especially considering that the last increase was in 2012 when it was increased from Php 23.00 per sqm to the current Php 28.00 per sqm.
As an example, a 1,000 sqm property which was assessed Php 28.00 x 1,000 = Php 28,000 in 2020 will be assessed Php 35.00 x 1,000 = Php 35,000 in 2021.
This new rate will be reflected in your 2021 Statement of Account to be sent out later this month.
We thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Best regards,
Manual M. Mañalac