D.V.A. CIRCULAR NO. 2021-20
Dear Residents,
- Misleading information being spread continues to create confusion and do harm to our community. We unfortunately have to inform you that any confirmation or email that you may have received from Barangay Dasmarinas and/or the scheduling application Calendly saying that you have a confirmed vaccination slot in Colegio San Agustin starting today is wrong. We reiterate, there is no scheduled vaccination schedule in CSA today.
At the moment, the only vaccination being done for our residents is by the Makati Health Department. Once registered and it is your turn, you will get a text message from BAKUNAMKT with instructions on when and where to go for your vaccination. Please understand that there is a priority process, so please be patient.
Once a definite timetable for when the vaccination rollout is moved to the Barangay level, our Barangay officials will provide clearer direction. - The Makati City Covid 19 vaccination registration is now open to practically all Makati residents 18 years old and above. If you or anyone in your household has not yet registered, please do so at the following website – www.proudmakatizen.com. You can find a helpful how-to guide under our 2021-17 circular on DVA’s website.
For those who have previously registered, you can check on the status of your registration at https://www.covid19vaccine.safemakati.com/search, then type your confirmation code (e.g., MKTxxxxxxxxx).
You will see if your status is approved or pending. Please read the instructions carefully and take note that you have to press Confirm at the bottom.
Back in January 19, 2021, DVA was approached by the Makati Health Department requesting assistance, particularly for the use of our pavilion and basketball courts as a vaccination facility. We formally informed them of our full support. Although we have not been informed directly, recent statements by Barangay officials lead us to believe that the venue for future vaccinations will now be in Colegio San Agustin conducted by the Barangay. Whether the venue is our own basketball court or that of CSA, and whether it is run by the Makati Health Department or Barangay Dasmarinas, we commit 100% of our resources to this project.
We understand the importance of this project and we will continue to coordinate with Makati City and our Barangay to inform and assist our residents properly.
Thank you, and please continue to stay safe.