D.V.A. Circular 2021-24
Dear Residents,
Cycling is fun and a great way to achieve fitness but please remember cyclists must ride safely and be mindful of cars and pedestrians.
There have been numerous complaints by residents walking around the village of cyclists speeding recklessly at times without regard for pedestrians. Very recently, an accident occurred at the curve of Amorsolo and Tamarind which resulted in the injury of both parties.
For the safety of cyclists and pedestrians alike, we have listed the following reminders:
- Do not ride on the wrong side of the road; always ride in the same direction as other vehicles.
- Flag your intention to turn by hand signaling.
- Watch for parked cars and ride far enough out from the curb to avoid the unexpected from parked cars like doors opening or cars pulling out.
- When riding with a group, always remember to ride in single file.
- When riding on shared paths where people are walking, use your bell to alert them.
- If you have to ride at night, wear something that makes you more easily seen by others.
- Watch for and avoid road hazards such as potholes, broken glass, gravel, puddles, leaves, and dogs. All these hazards can cause a crash.
To increase awareness, we are putting traffic safety signs and convex mirrors in strategic locations around the village.
Thank you.