D.V.A. Circular No. 2020-41


Dear Residents,

The Christmas Season is a good time to take stock of the many blessings we have and share these blessings with those who have become a part of our lives. During the past few months, we have seen the hard work and dedication of those who serve our community. During this time of the year, we can show our appreciation for their efforts:

BeneficiariesNo. of Employees
DVA Employees (Office Staff, Maintenance & Drivers)34
Barangay Employees (Office Staff, Maintenance, Tanods)43
Village Security Force93
Garbage Collection Crew20
Others (Agency Personnel)19

We appeal to our members to be extra generous this year. In the past years, contributions have been at least Php 3,000. During the BOG meeting help on November 5, 2020, the Board approved a PHP 3,000 contribution to be automatically charged to each member and reflected in the 2021 Statement of Account which you will receive in December 2020. If you wish to opt out, please contact the DVA Office at 8843-2262 extension 119 or send an email to [email protected] with Subject: Opt Out by December 10, 2020. All amounts will be receipted by DVA. To safeguard your privacy, we will not publish nor make available the list of those who contributed or opted out.

The first tranche of the Contributions will be distributed on December 15, 2020 and the second tranche will be distributed by mid-January 2021.

Personal appeals of personnel and other service providers are prohibited. If such requests are made, please inform the DVA Office at telephone number 8843-2262 extension 119.

We appeal to your generous hearts to uplift the holiday spirit of the staff and personnel who serve our community especially during the pandemic. On their behalf, we would like to extend best wishes for a blessed Christmas Season to you and your families.

Thank you.